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Have US passport, will travel

I get to use my brand new US passport for the first time tomorrow, when I will be boarding an SAA flight out of Dulles/Washington D.C. to Johannesburg, South Africa. Starting on Friday, I will join a small group of US-based tour operators on a site inspection trip of several safari camps in the Kalahari Desert, Okavango Delta, Savute and Chobe area of Botswana. After a brief stop-over on the Zambia side of the Victoria Falls, we will return to Johannesburg out of Livingstone, and then back to the USA by Dec. 14. It promises to be hectic yet exciting, and I am very much looking forward to seeing my family briefly in Johannesburg at the start of the trip.

I'm not taking a laptop so will likely have very limited (if any) access to the internet - I will be sure to report back in some detail about the trip, with more photographs than I have used so far.

With both calves almost back to 100% I am so keen to get a run in but I haven't been able to do a thing since Sunday, due to work & other obligations, getting ready for the trip etc. I might try to sneak away in an hour or so for a quick 3 or 4 miles, if I can get my packing finalized. In Botswana, there won't be any opportunities to run, but the break will likely do me a lot of good. Hopefully I can resume serious training fresh and strong, on December 15, which will be Day 1 of my Boston program.

I won't be able to read any blog entries or post anything until at least Dec. 15 so until then, be good and drive safely!

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